Friday, June 8, 2007

Back in the Saddle

OK - I'm over my slump. Back to work. We have so much going on right now - getting our son registered and oriented for college, getting our daughter to the gazillion places she's going this summer from girl scout camps to beach weekends with friends to parties and babysitting gigs. Busy as it is, I love the summer. I love that I can sleep a little later, have a bit of variety in my schedule and just play it by ear a little more.
Also, I bought myself a new toy - voice recognition software. This enables me to speak my books rather than type them. It takes some getting used to so I'm not fully sold on it yet. I find the narrative comes out a bit stiff. I have no idea why speaking it would make a difference, but for me, it does. Still trying though. I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so if I can skip typing for several hours a day, it's got to be good.
So, what's up in your world?


Kelley Nyrae said...

Wow, that voice thing sounds pretty cool. I've been getting some writing done which makes me smile.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I have to get some gardening done later on this evening - it was raining earlier, but it's nice now and I have some plants that have been waiting for two weeks to get into the ground. At least it's been because I've been getting some writing done...

Anonymous said...

with the voice thing, how do you use commas, periods, quotation marks? Do you say what you want, then put type them in?

Dara Edmondson said...

Ava Rose - the program puts in commas and periods I sometimes have to move or take away. Other punctuation I must tell it to put in. Takes some getting used to.

April said...

The voice thing sounds really neat! Good luck getting used to it!

Tempest Knight said...

I've been meaning to buy one of those softwares, but I wonder if the whole training thing is worth my time.

Good to hear you're back into writing! *wg*

Portia Da Costa said...

I have some problems with computer related repetitive strain injury, so I've often wondered about using voice software...

I've a feeling that my narrative might come out stilted too, if I used it. Whenever I've tried to use a dictaphone, what I record sounds totally wooden.

But I have a friend who uses VR and loves it... and she's a fantastic, fluent writer too, so it must work well for her!