Thursday, March 27, 2008

Off to a Conference

Tomorrow I head to Jacksonville to The Southern Lights Writers Conference. I'm very excited to be teaching a workshop with friends and crit partner, Terry Odell. I'm also participating in a book signing there and attending many of the other workshops. I've been running around like a whirling dervish trying to pack all the things I need in the way of clothes, items for the workshop, for the signing, etc. I keep having this unsettling feeling that I'm forgetting something. Don't you hate that? I'm not sure if that feeling is a product of age or just the neurotic brain wiring of a compulsive organizer! Either way, it's unsettling.
On a completely different subject, I got a very nice note today from a local book group informing me that they had picked The Kitten Club as their selection of the month. They asked if I'd come to their meeting and speak to the club. This just tickled me pink!
So, if I'm absent for a few days from the Blogosphere, you'll know why. Have a great weekend.


Terry Odell said...

Congrats on the book club pick! That's fantastic. What's next? Oprah?

(See you soon! Southern Lights should be fun.)

Dara Edmondson said...

Don't I wish! We can be her guests together;-)

Cole Reising said...

How incredibly cool on the phone call for the book club!!!!

Have fun at the conference!


Katie Reus said...

Wow, congrats on the book pick Dara! Wish I could be there this weekend to hear you and Terry! I'm sure you'll be wonderful :)

Lara Dien said...

Congrats on the pick for Kitten Club -- I'll bet that's a measure of success you didn't quite expect -- way to go!


Dara Edmondson said...

Thanks guys! Conference was great. Got me all psyched to write!

mimi said...

Ooo! Speaking engagement! That is trés cool. Hope you enjoyed the conference!