Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Muse at Rest

This has not been a very productive summer for me, at least so far. I've been struggling to finish my WIP, which is moving along at a snail's pace. I've also been revising a novella, but that honestly hasn't taken very much time from my regular writing. I have one excuse after another:
1. Compromising Positions, my second book, just came out in print and I have been busily promoting it and mailing out copies to friends and family.
2. Planning our vacation to Nashville and Savannah later this summer.
3. Working on the various upcoming book signings I've scheduled for my RWA chapter.
4. Working on a program I am presenting on writing short stories and novellas.
Shall I go on? I can think of a hundred excuses, but what I need to be doing is committing myself to even a minimal daily word count. I'll let you know if I get there!
What about you? Does your Muse go on holiday every now and then?


Anonymous said...

Butt in seat, hands on keyboard! No games!

Dara Edmondson said...

So true, Dirk. I wrote yesterday - thankfully! One day at a time;-)

Terry Odell said...

One can't wait for the muse, unfortunately. This coming from someone who has been parked in front of Wimbledon for far too many hours. Last night, my word count wasn't even my minimum, but I justified it by doing some basic edits, (and finding yet another crutch word, dang it, which reduced the word count.)

I couldn't work on two pieces at once. I try to limit my promo work to mornings, because it's such a time suck.

You're already working on your July 12th presentation! Sheesh. I've got one quote for my part. It's not July yet, I tell myself. Plenty of time.

Dara Edmondson said...

Terry - I didn't say how far I'd gotten on the presentation;-) How about I've bookmarked several pages and read 2 of them.

Terry Odell said...

Well, then I feel a little better Dara ... and once this day job stuff is behind me, I will be able to focus on my presentation.

Katie Reus said...

Sometimes I have a day where I don't feel like writing, but I usually make myself anyway. I remind myself that I hate my day job and that usually motivates me to get my butt in the chair ;)

Dara Edmondson said...

Maybe I ought to get a day job to hate;-)

Macy O'Neal said...

My muse is on serious holiday, but my DSM Turning Points class starts Saturday, so tomorrow (the 4th) is my last official day off from writing. Even if I suck, I still have to write.


Dara Edmondson said...

Enjoy the class, Macy. The workshop was awesome, so I'm sure it'll be fab!

Chudney Thomas said...

my muse periodically enlist the help of my children in order to disappear, I'm still trying to drag it back, but its kicking and screaming. Occasionally it stays for a while and high tails it when I'm not looking.